Jumat, 21 Maret 2014


Diposting oleh hannidwijayanti di 00.13
Kota Batu is a city was located in East Java and adjacent to the city of Malang , exactly 15 kilometers to the west of the city of Malang . Location of Kota Batu is strategic because it was directly adjacent to Mojokerto and Pasuruan . The air in the city is very cool . For those of you who love the cool weather , you can make this place as a reference for your next vacation . You will feel comfy with fresh and cool air when visiting this city . Plants are green and lush by natural scenery will be very intriguing eyes of tourists .

If you want to visit in here, you can travel from Malang city by public transportation or private vehicle . Various public transportation to Kota Batu can be found , you can even go through the bus stations, train stations or airports with not long distance. Kota Batu is quite famous by apple's tour .

As i told before, this city has a cold air , you can visit several attractions in here and it was very interesting of tourism place such as BNS or Batu Night Spectacular , Jatim Park 2 Kota Batu, Taman Wisata Selecta and  hot springs of Cangar and Songgoriti , and many more . But among some of the tourist attractions in Batu, only a few are visited , such as BNS , Selecta and also Jatim Park 2. Various facilities can be found in each of these attractions . for example in Jatim Park 2 you can find a vA ehicle for education and variety of other entertainment , in Taman Selecta you can swim and water cycling, while in the BNS you can enjoy some unique rides at night .

Taman air Selecta Kota Batu
In addition to the third place , as we know that the tourist attractions in this city is quite famous for any fruits especially is Apel Malang. Therefore you should not miss the tour of picking an apple and flower gardens . You can pluck the apples straight from the tree . Even you can eat directly with fresh or don't. you can make your apple as a souvenir of your family.

are you satisfied with this? but you want to stay overnight there? don't worry you can also find some accommodation such as hotels , villas , inns around there. Some hotels can be your reference as Purnama Hotel , Trees Inn Hotel , Kartika Wijaya Batu Heritage Villa and many more . Various classes , types and amenities can be found , living adjust it with the budget you have .
While in here you can also enjoy a variety of culinary offerings typical of Kota Batu. Various culinary in Batu you can explore one by one like a well-known 'Bakso Malang'
Cwie miees, nasi rawon, nasi pecel , gulai kambing kacang hijau and many other culinary you can try.  Of course enjoy distinctive culinary and be in a different place feels more natural and more enjoyable than you buy same culinary but are in different places .
Moreover you can also buy snacks at Kota Batu souvenirs centre around tourism place. You can buy snacks such as Keripik apel, keripik nangka, keripik
tempe and many snack foods typical of Kota Batu as a handgifts for your family at home .

source by : https://travelcar.co.id/travel-malang-juanda?gclid=CLDut6CLo70CFWUF4god_iIAeg

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Jumat, 21 Maret 2014


Kota Batu is a city was located in East Java and adjacent to the city of Malang , exactly 15 kilometers to the west of the city of Malang . Location of Kota Batu is strategic because it was directly adjacent to Mojokerto and Pasuruan . The air in the city is very cool . For those of you who love the cool weather , you can make this place as a reference for your next vacation . You will feel comfy with fresh and cool air when visiting this city . Plants are green and lush by natural scenery will be very intriguing eyes of tourists .

If you want to visit in here, you can travel from Malang city by public transportation or private vehicle . Various public transportation to Kota Batu can be found , you can even go through the bus stations, train stations or airports with not long distance. Kota Batu is quite famous by apple's tour .

As i told before, this city has a cold air , you can visit several attractions in here and it was very interesting of tourism place such as BNS or Batu Night Spectacular , Jatim Park 2 Kota Batu, Taman Wisata Selecta and  hot springs of Cangar and Songgoriti , and many more . But among some of the tourist attractions in Batu, only a few are visited , such as BNS , Selecta and also Jatim Park 2. Various facilities can be found in each of these attractions . for example in Jatim Park 2 you can find a vA ehicle for education and variety of other entertainment , in Taman Selecta you can swim and water cycling, while in the BNS you can enjoy some unique rides at night .

Taman air Selecta Kota Batu
In addition to the third place , as we know that the tourist attractions in this city is quite famous for any fruits especially is Apel Malang. Therefore you should not miss the tour of picking an apple and flower gardens . You can pluck the apples straight from the tree . Even you can eat directly with fresh or don't. you can make your apple as a souvenir of your family.

are you satisfied with this? but you want to stay overnight there? don't worry you can also find some accommodation such as hotels , villas , inns around there. Some hotels can be your reference as Purnama Hotel , Trees Inn Hotel , Kartika Wijaya Batu Heritage Villa and many more . Various classes , types and amenities can be found , living adjust it with the budget you have .
While in here you can also enjoy a variety of culinary offerings typical of Kota Batu. Various culinary in Batu you can explore one by one like a well-known 'Bakso Malang'
Cwie miees, nasi rawon, nasi pecel , gulai kambing kacang hijau and many other culinary you can try.  Of course enjoy distinctive culinary and be in a different place feels more natural and more enjoyable than you buy same culinary but are in different places .
Moreover you can also buy snacks at Kota Batu souvenirs centre around tourism place. You can buy snacks such as Keripik apel, keripik nangka, keripik
tempe and many snack foods typical of Kota Batu as a handgifts for your family at home .

source by : https://travelcar.co.id/travel-malang-juanda?gclid=CLDut6CLo70CFWUF4god_iIAeg

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