Minggu, 27 April 2014


Diposting oleh hannidwijayanti di 06.15

 August, Australia (CNN) – Ametal object that wahed ashore on Australia’s coast wasn’t from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, officials said .  Detailed pictures of the object were enough to convince investigators that it wasn’t a lead in the search for the missing plane, the Australian agency leading the search for the aircraft said on Thursday . Officials had previously called the piece of metal, which appeared to have rivets on one side an, “object of interest” in the search . Police picked it up near Augusta, Australia, roughly 1,000 miles away from the suspected crash site, after many futile days of searching for the missing plane . Authorities haven’t said what they think the object could be . Possible promising leads have turned out to be false alarms for weeks in the lengthy search for the missing plane, which disappeared mid-flight on March 8 with 239 people aboard . One major challenge that’s complicated the search : the ocean is full of garbage . Other objects search teams have spotted in the Indian Ocean turned out to be trash, jellyfish and fishing gear . Bad weather grounded planes searching for signs of debris on Wednesday . And a high – tech underwater drone found no sign of the boeing 777 jetliner . If nothing turns up in the Bluefin-21’s underwater search, the investigation will move into a new phase that could involve new equipment and an expanded search area . And as the search came up empty again, a key question loomed . Are they looking in the right palce ? “ They have been searching for more than a month . Using, not even a small piece of the plane was found,”Steve Wang, whose mother wa aboard the aircraft , told on CNN’’s “ The Lead with Jake Tapper,” on Thursday .
Abbot : “We may rethink the search , but we will not rest ‘ up to 11 military aircraft and 11 ships are set to search for the plane on Thursday . And there’s still ground left to cover . The Bluefin-21 has scanned more than 90% of the underwater search area set out by investigators . “ We will continue with the search operation until we fully cover the search area ,’Hishammudin Hussein , Malaysia’s acting transport minister, said Wednesday . Despite the search efforts for MH370 repeatedly coming up empty during the 48 days since it started, there’s no suggestion the hunt in the southern Indian Ocean is anywhere close to ending . Quite to the contrary, according to Auatralian Prime Minister Tony Abbot, whose country is heading up the search for the missing aircraft . “ We are not going to abandon , the families of the 239 people who were on that plane by lightly surrendering while there is reasonable hope of finding something ,” he said Wednesday .

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Minggu, 27 April 2014


 August, Australia (CNN) – Ametal object that wahed ashore on Australia’s coast wasn’t from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, officials said .  Detailed pictures of the object were enough to convince investigators that it wasn’t a lead in the search for the missing plane, the Australian agency leading the search for the aircraft said on Thursday . Officials had previously called the piece of metal, which appeared to have rivets on one side an, “object of interest” in the search . Police picked it up near Augusta, Australia, roughly 1,000 miles away from the suspected crash site, after many futile days of searching for the missing plane . Authorities haven’t said what they think the object could be . Possible promising leads have turned out to be false alarms for weeks in the lengthy search for the missing plane, which disappeared mid-flight on March 8 with 239 people aboard . One major challenge that’s complicated the search : the ocean is full of garbage . Other objects search teams have spotted in the Indian Ocean turned out to be trash, jellyfish and fishing gear . Bad weather grounded planes searching for signs of debris on Wednesday . And a high – tech underwater drone found no sign of the boeing 777 jetliner . If nothing turns up in the Bluefin-21’s underwater search, the investigation will move into a new phase that could involve new equipment and an expanded search area . And as the search came up empty again, a key question loomed . Are they looking in the right palce ? “ They have been searching for more than a month . Using, not even a small piece of the plane was found,”Steve Wang, whose mother wa aboard the aircraft , told on CNN’’s “ The Lead with Jake Tapper,” on Thursday .
Abbot : “We may rethink the search , but we will not rest ‘ up to 11 military aircraft and 11 ships are set to search for the plane on Thursday . And there’s still ground left to cover . The Bluefin-21 has scanned more than 90% of the underwater search area set out by investigators . “ We will continue with the search operation until we fully cover the search area ,’Hishammudin Hussein , Malaysia’s acting transport minister, said Wednesday . Despite the search efforts for MH370 repeatedly coming up empty during the 48 days since it started, there’s no suggestion the hunt in the southern Indian Ocean is anywhere close to ending . Quite to the contrary, according to Auatralian Prime Minister Tony Abbot, whose country is heading up the search for the missing aircraft . “ We are not going to abandon , the families of the 239 people who were on that plane by lightly surrendering while there is reasonable hope of finding something ,” he said Wednesday .

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